what is rss and why its good

if you ever wanted to keep track on so many sites, weblogs and posts, then rss will solve your problem.
really simple syndication, shortly rss, is an xml file format file that an rss reader software is available to convert into readable articles.
you can aggregate multiple feeds in one place by using an rss reader which checks for updates from feeds and allows you to categorize them.
if you ever used the podcast software, you should know that they are based on rss, like rss feed too, providing the content.

to what can you subscribe with rss?

lots of sites provide and support rss, news sites, weblogs, forums, podcasts, video channels like youtube, and even instances like peertube or mastodon profiles.

what rss reader should i use?

theres many rss readers in existence, you can try any of them, here's some of my favorite clients and services.:
akregator (linux), liferea (linux), thunderbird (windows and linux), newsboat (linux, terminal), freshrss (browser).
the full list can be found on wikipedia.org/comparison_of_feed_aggregators.

how to find rss feed?

finding an rss feed is simple, you just have to find this symnol : . it can have various colors on different sites.
best way to also find an rss feed are rss finders and scrapers, for example getrssfeed.com
some rss feeds are hidden like on youtube or deviantart and accessible via api backends only, below are some examples:

rss endpoints